SPP,英文全称:Small Producers’Symbol,是一个关注小型咖农需求的第三方认证机构,近期该组织发布了对当前咖啡价格处于历史低位的谴责。
SPP旗下组织SPP Global发表的谴责声明题目为“我们无法生活在90美元” (原文原标题:WITH 90 DOLLARS WE CANNOT LIVE) 。这里的“90美元”指的是近期美国ICE洲际交易所咖啡期货的价格,最近几周一直徘徊在每磅90美分上下。
SPP Global写道:“这种价格不仅让咖农无法获得最基本的生活保障收入,也不可能让咖农以可持续的方式继续生产咖啡。” “这个价格水平摧毁了数百万咖农的生活,但是不幸的是,那些以国际咖啡期货价格购买到咖啡豆的公司却以更高的价格向消费者销售咖啡,他们是世界各地数百万家小型咖啡生产商难以过上基本生活的共犯。这造成了生态破坏的后果,全球气候变化的后续恶化日益影响着地球上整个人口的生活和未来。“
以下是SPP Global声明全文:
Boston, Massachusetts, SCA 2019
Denouncement and Recognition
For Justice in the International Coffee Market
More than five hundred thousand families of small organic producers organizations of coffee and other products, marketing companies and allies of SPP (Small Producers’Symbol) on five continents, in the framework of the world’s largest specialty coffee fair, in the city of Boston, Massachusetts, USA, on April 12, 2019, we express:
WITH 90 DOLLARS WE CANNOT LIVE. The current price on the C Market of the New York Stock Exchange for Arabica coffee on April 12, 2019, is below US $90 per 100 lbs. of washed green coffee, a situation similar to that of 30 years ago. This price does not allow, in any way, small producers to produce coffee sustainably and less to have a decent income for a dignified life. This price level destroys the lives of millions of people who give their lives to the quality of this product sold at increasingly higher prices to consumers. Those companies that buy coffee at the C Market price, unfortunately, are accomplices in the loss of prospects for a decent life of millions of families of small coffee producers around the world. This also has ecological destruction ramifications and the consequential exacerbation of global climate change affecting day by day the life and future of the entire population of the planet.
WITH 220 DOLLARS WE CAN LIVE. In 2010, the SPP (Small Producers’ Symbol) coffee producers had set the minimum price necessary to produce sustainably and with organic certification, working democratically and inclusively, at US $220 per 100 pounds of washed Arabica green coffee. With this price, we have managed to improve our revenues and improved the future prospects for the new generation with the full support of our commercial partners. Conscious, highly effective and supportive companies have been able to grow in the different markets with great success from specialty cafes to supermarkets while still paying the price of US $220. We express our appreciation to these companies for their work and the great commitment with the small coffee producers. We have shown, as SPP Family, that yes you can live with a price of US $220 in the market, achieve a better life for producer communities and have a better planet.
We call on all companies in the coffee sector to become aware. Show solidarity. Work in partnership with organized small producers. Recognize while the problem is not only the price, today a minimum sustainable price of US $220 is necessary. Together we have to make consumers and markets recognize that current prices are not an option. Hunger is not an option. Forced migration is not an option. The destruction of the planet is not an option. The option for US $220 opens the door to a better world.
We count on your responsible collaboration, today and always!
— SPP, Small Producers’ Symbol
— SPP Global